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African American Hair Care NYC

  • African American Hair Care NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • You can still sleep on those cotton pillowcases, but put a layer of silk or satin between them and your hair. 
  • Black hair rubs against cotton and the rough cotton fibers (no matter how soft they feel to your hands) can catch and pull your tresses, leading to breakage. 
  • It only takes a minute to slip into a soft hair cover, but it does so much in helping you wake up with softer, well-moisturized hair that will see less breakage and dryness. 
  • Satin or silk caps and scarves will go a long way toward keeping your hair in great shape. 

African American Rhinoplasty NYC

  • While we recognize that there is tremendous variability in every parameter of the African American noses: including nostril shape and flare, nasal length, skin thickness, columella length, nasal projection, and bridge height; numerous studies have shown that African American patients, on average, tend to have: 1. Weak, Short Tip Cartilages- results in tip looking short and droopy 2. Wider, Bulbous Nasal Tips 3. Wider Variability in Nostril Shape 4. Greater Nostril Flare (bigger nostril curvature)- makes tip look wide 5. Acute Nasolabial Angle- again can make tip look droopy 6. Thin, Weak Septal Cartilage- harder to support and refine nose 7. Wider, Lower Nasal Bridges- makes nose look wide and washed out 8. Thicker Skin- makes it more difficult to add tip definition and refinement 9. Excess Tissue in the Nasal Tip- resulting in poor tip definition With all of this being said, over the years we have found that the most challenging part in African American rhinoplasty is correcting the deficiency in tip projection in the face of a bulbous, amorphic tip with thick skin. 
  • Many of our African American patients who present for rhinoplasty feel that their nose is too wide, "too big," and undefined for their face. 
  • As a result, in this type of nose it is important to build up and add to the tip structure in order to not only provide adequate support but also to give lasting tip definition and refinement. 
  • And at the same tip we must recognize that most of our patients are seeking a thinner, more refined nasal tip that is not built up too much. 
  • In other words, the nose is at once short and wide. 

#! Cryosurgery Genital Warts NYC - Open 24/7 for treatment, 7 days a week.

  • Cryosurgery Genital Warts NYC
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • Over 20 years of Experience in Cryosurgery
  • Cryotherapy (Cryosurgery) for Genital Warts destroys genital warts by freezing them with liquid nitrogen
  • Men  treated for genital warts on the penis, scrotum, or in the urethra should avoid sexual intercourse until the treated area is healed and the soreness is gone. 
  • The number and severity of side effects depend on the number of freeze/thaw cycles used during cryotherapy and how large an area was treated. 
  • After treatment the following may occur: Irritation, soreness, or mild pain may occur after the procedure
  • The time of application varies by the doctor who applies the liquid nitrogen and the size of the warts

Otoplasty NYC -

  • You may be a good candidate for otoplasty (ear pinning and reshaping surgery) if you have one or more of the following conditions: Larger than normal ear lobes Non-symmetrical ears Ears that 'stick out' disproportionately Am I a suitable age for otoplasty? 
  • Tell me more about children and otoplasty
  • Children's ears are usually fully developed by age 4. There are no additional risks associated with age. 
  • Having the procedure at a young age is highly desirable for two reasons: The cartilage is extremely pliable, thereby permitting greater ease of shaping The child will experience psychological benefits earlier from the cosmetic improvement Will I really look better and feel better after otoplasty? 
  • An alternative technique, where no cartilage is removed, uses stitches to fold the exposed cartilage back on itself and so reshape the ear, again concealing the stitches in the natural crease behind the ear. 
  • Ear reshaping surgery is a straightforward procedure.
  • We do not do this procedure
  • I would recommend a board certified plastic surgeon by referrral from your doctor

#1 Lip Enhancement Doctor NYC - Open 7 days a week, offering treatments 24 hours a day.

  • Lip Enhancement NYC Treatment Center
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • Lip Enhancement 
  • suitable for anyone who would like larger or fuller lips. 
  • Temporary enhancement 
  • Many fillers have been used to temporarily enlarge the lips
  • We prefer Juvederm


Non-Surgical Rejuvenation NYC


  • Non-Surgical Rejuvenation  NYC in Manhattan
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment
  • Dr Gary offers popular non-surgical procedures to enhance your facial appearance. 
  • Non-surgical procedures such as Botox and injectable fillers can be used to create a more refreshed and youthful appearance

Fraxel Laser NYC


  • Fraxel Laser 
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Appointments

  • Fraxel uses precise 'Fractional laser technology' to penetrate deep within the layers of the skin to target problem areas. 
  • The fractional technology treats effectively, yet gently, enabling the skin to heal as rapidly as possible
  • Fraxel Safer but no guarantee in Dark Skin Scarring 
  • It is vital to undergo a full pre assessment to ensure that your skin type is fully assessed and to be  accurate about your medical history. This particular procedure might not be the right treatment for you.  It is crucial that the Doctor does a full History and Physical Examination and listens to your concerns.  It very important to understand the individual needs of each patient because one procedure could work on one patient and then not another.

    Each patient’s condition is carefully evaluated and the best treatment(s) are chosen to ensure an optimal outcome. Treatments are performed by Dr. Gary who has extensive cosmetic dermatology experience and training. This allows the Doctor to offer top-quality services in every area of the cosmetic dermatology field, while ensuring patients safety and satisfaction.

Scar Revisions NYC -


  • Scar Revisions NYC  Treatment Center in New York, NY
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • Many options available surgically and non-surgical
  • FRAXEL laser uses pinpoints of laser light to 'remodel' the scar tissue, sheering through the bulky scar formation. 
  • Scars normally require 5 treatment sessions ideally spaced 2-4 weeks apart
  • Until recent years scarring has been a challenging skin condition to treat non-surgically with only moderate improvements seen after undergoing a limited choice of very aggressive procedures
  • Another option is the Fraxel Laser 
  • This procedure is not for everybody
  • It is vital to undergo a full pre assessment to ensure that your skin type is fully assessed and to be  accurate about your medical history. This particular procedure might not be the right treatment for you.  It is crucial that the Doctor does a full History and Physical Examination and listens to your concerns.  It very important to understand the individual needs of each patient because one procedure could work on one patient and then not another.

    Each patient’s condition is carefully evaluated and the best treatment(s) are chosen to ensure an optimal outcome. Treatments are performed by Dr. Gary who has extensive cosmetic dermatology experience and training. This allows the Doctor to offer top-quality services in every area of the cosmetic dermatology field, while ensuring patients safety and satisfaction



  • light energy is gently delivered through a special handpiece to the targeted area. 
  • Treatments usually take from 15 to 30 minutes and are administered in a office 
  • The light energy stimulates the production of collagen.
  • The energy is delivered at specific settings for each treatment to maximize your results 
  • Levels of energy specific to your treatment are used to maximize your improvement

Neck Lift NYC -

  • The neck can begin to show age faster than whole face and many times patients only need a neck lift, rather than a full face lift

  • This will depend on the individual patient however most patients are able to go back to work after a couple weeks
  • The average recovery time is between 3-4 weeks
  • The necklift operation is carried out through standard incisions running from in front of and behind the ear and back into the hairline
  • There are a number of different surgical techniques for necklift (Platysmaplasty) that have evolved with increasing demand for this type of surgery and surgeons' quest for better results 
  • We do not perform surgical neck lifts
  • Our specialty is non-surgical rejuvenation
  • There are many non-surgical options for a neck lift

Hollow Eyes (Sunken Eyes) NYC - #1 Eye Fillers Doctor NYC and Europe - Open 24/7 for treatment, 7 days a week.

  • Hollow Eyes (Sunken Eyes)  NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • Non-surgical eye lift options by  are a good choice for patients who experience hollow eyes. 

  • Fine Wrinkles - Fine lines are found under the eyelids and is and example of static wrinkles that develop as a result of skin that is aging, sun-damaged, or affected from smoking or stress. 
  • Hollow Eyes - Hollowing in the upper or lower eyelids may develop as a result of aging or previous eye lift surgery
  • Botox and fillers are non-surgical eye lift options that can smooth out these lines and give a rejuvenated glow to the face
  • Feel free to call for a consult on all your non-surgical options 

Skin Care Tips NYC

Skin Care NYC Treatment Center in Manhattan
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment

  • Cleansing The foundation for skin care is cleansing
  • This includes moisturizers, facial cleansers, sunscreen, night creams for puffy eyes and body wash; yes, more men too have found the convenience of using body wash
  • For natural cleansing, lemon is efficient in deep-cleansing
  • There are exfoliating creams for men available in the market that use natural ingredients to gently scrub the skin surfaces. 

Pigmented Lesion Treatments NYC

  • Pigmented Lesions NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Appointments

  • Pigmented lesions are brown spots that can occur on the face, neck, shoulders, hands and any part of the body
  • Many different treatment options that  can restore even pigmentation and younger looking skin without pain or downtime
  • All treatments are performed by our board-certified dermatologist Dr. Gary
  • It is vital to undergo a full pre assessment to ensure that your skin type is fully assessed and to be  accurate about your medical history. This particular procedure might not be the right treatment for you.  It is crucial that the Doctor does a full History and Physical Examination and listens to your concerns.  It very important to understand the individual needs of each patient because one procedure could work on one patient and then not another.
  • Each patient’s condition is carefully evaluated and the best treatment(s) are chosen to ensure an optimal outcome. Treatments are performed by Dr. Gary who has extensive cosmetic dermatology experience and training. This allows the Doctor to offer top-quality services in every area of the cosmetic dermatology field, while ensuring patients safety and satisfaction.


  • HPV Genital Warts NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY
  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment
  • CDC did not add this vaccine to the recommended immunization schedules for males in these age groups because studies suggest that the best way to prevent the most diseases stemming from HPV is to vaccinate as many girls and women as possible. 
  • "Underinsured" children, who have health insurance that does not cover vaccination, can receive VFC vaccines through federally qualified health centers or rural health centers. 
  • No studies have shown if one or two doses protect as well as getting three doses, so it is important to get all three doses. 
  • Cervarix and Gardasil are licensed, safe and effective for females ages 9 through 26 years.  
    • A safe and effective HPV vaccine (Gardasil) can protect boys and men against the HPV types that cause most  genital warts and anal cancers. 
    • Because genital warts may be easily passed on to sex partners, you should inform them about having genital warts and avoid sexual activity until the warts are gone or removed. 
    • However, some experts do recommend yearly anal cancer screening (anal Pap tests) for gay, bisexual, and HIV-positive men ? since anal cancer is more common in  these men 
    • The vaccine is also recommended for gay and bisexual men (or any man who has sex with men), and men with compromised immune systems (including HIV) through age 26, if they did not get fully vaccinated when they were younger.
    • We have over 20 years of experience treating Anal Genital Warts
    • We use Cryosurgery (freezing) (cryotherapy)

New Robit Device for Follicular Unit Extraction NYC

  • Hair Sciences Center of Colorado, a leading Denver-based hair restoration practice headed by internationally renowned specialist, James A. Harris, MD, FACS, announced today it has brought the world's first and only robotic-based device in the treatment of hair loss and hair restoration to its clinic.

  • The ARTAS System utilizes Dr. Harris' pioneering system, The Harris SAFE (Surgically Advanced Follicular Extraction) System. 
  • About James A. Harris, MD, FACS James A. Harris, MD, FACS received his medical degree with honors from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1989. 
  • This process is known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a method of obtaining follicular units from the donor area using a very small tool to obtain tiny samples of tissue. 
  • Founder James Harris, MD, FACS pioneered an innovative and minimally invasive technology, the Harris SAFE (Surgically Advanced Follicular Extraction) System, which has transformed hair transplantation surgery practices.

Reverse Aging NYC


  • Scientists at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and Georgia Institute of Technology demonstrated how the aging process for human adult stem cells can be reversed. 

  • Unfortunately, these same cells can become damaged as we age, which makes them less able to replace other damaged tissues.
  • If we could find a way to prevent aging in seem cells, then we could find a way to prevent other diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and arthritis---really any degenerative disease could be prevented. 
  • The study's primary aim was to determine just exactly what goes wrong with the biological clock that dictates the division of human adult stem cells as we get older. 
  • They also can grow into a wide variety of different cells in our body and replace any cells that need replacing.

New Wrinkle Filler NYC


#1 Excessive Sweating Treatment in NYC - Open 24/7 for treatment, 7 days a week.

  • Excessive Sweating NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY

  • Opened 7 Days a Week for Treatment
  • Treatments that can help control excessive sweating can include: 
  • a regular over-the-counter antiperspirant
  • apply it in the evening, 
  • both in the morning and the evening
  • best results newer over-the-counter antiperspirant, such as Secret Clinical Strength (Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorohydrex) 
  • Hydrosal Professional (Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate 15%) 
  • over-the-counter antiperspirant, such as Certain Dri, with Aluminum Chloride 12% 
  • prescription strength antiperspirant, such as DrySol, with Aluminum Chloride 20%, 
  • Xerac AC, with Aluminum Chloride 6.25% anticholinergic medications, although because of their side effects, such as dry mouth, constipation, and drowsiness, etc.,
  •  they are more helpful for
  • generalized hyperhidrosis, and not teens who just have sweaty palms or excessive armpit sweating Other treatments 
  • for excessive sweating 
  • more commonly used in adults can 
  • include 
  • local sweat gland excision 
  • endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy
  • surgical treatments for excessive sweating
  • iontophoresis, in which low-level electrical current is applied to the skin's surface to reduce sweat production
  • botox injections 
  • don't apply an antiperspirant right after shaving use a cool blow drier (don't use a warm or hot setting) to help dry your skin if necessary before applying an antiperspirant applying hydrocortisone cream or topical baking soda after you wash away the antiperspirant may help to decrease the chances of skin irritation. 
  • Unlike the odorless sweat that is produced by eccrine glands, apocrine glands produce sweat that, once it has contact with bacteria, has a distinct body odor.
  • Unlike the generalized excessive sweating that someone with hyperthyroidism might have, a teen with primary focal hyperhidrosis will probably just have sweaty palms, sweaty feet, sweaty armpits and/or excessive facial sweating. 
  • Children, especially teens, normally sweat when
  • it is hot eating spicy foods exercising they are angry, anxious, or nervous, etc.
  • they have a fever Excessive Sweating Causes There are a 
  • number of medical conditions that can cause excessive sweating, including:
  •  hyperthyroidism diabetes mellitus cancer infections heart failure medication side effects drug withdrawal
  • Most teens with excessive sweating and no other symptoms will have primary focal hyperhidrosis though, in which the excessive sweating is limited to just one or more areas of their bodies, it is bilateral and symmetric (for example, both hands or both armpits), and stops while they are sleeping.

Liquid Face Lift NYC -


  • Depending on the area of sagging and wrinkling or lines that concern you, the collagen stimulant is injected across the whole face, so a total rejuvenation is achieved

  • The product works over months creating a slow progressive lift of the face as new collagen is laid down

• redefining of jaw line- lifting of jowls,
• filling nasolabial lines

• filling marionette lines and returning a new uplift to the mouth
• treating wrinkles across cheeks
• treating of wrinkles around the eyes
• refining the cheekbones.

  • In fact most grooves, lines and wrinkles, folds and sags can be filled,
  • tightened, plumped, lessened and rejuvenated over a series of injections