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- new solution for patients losing hair due to alopecia areata
- new FDA approved drug helps in restoring hair in people suffering from alopecia areata
- People who suffer from this medical problem
- immune cells destroy follicles in them
- Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease which results in hair loss
- researchers at Columbia University Medical Centre (CUMC) identify those immune cells which cause hair loss
- medicine has been able to help in complete hair regrowth in case of several people suffering from alopecia areata
- affects people at different ages
- men and women
- patient loses hair in patches
- patients may also suffer from facial and body hair loss
- patients suffering from this disease often suffer from psychological stress and emotional suffering.
- patients suffering from alopecia areata, the immune system cells affect the hair follicle base, due to which the hair falls out
- It also forces the hair follicles to a dormant stage and so hair regrowth does not happen
- danger signal in the hair follicles of the people suffering from alopecia areata works as the attraction of the immune cells to the follicle, which starts the attack
- researchers tried two JAK inheritors, a
- new class of drugs, ruxolitinib and tofacitinib to block the immune pathway
- stop the attacks of the hair follicles by the T cells
- drug tested on mice showed that the hair regrowth happened within 12 weeks
- effect of the new drugs seems to be long-lasting and hair growth developed during the application of the medicine sustained for several months even after completion of the treatment.
- In some of the initial participants of the study complete hair growth was seen within 4 to 5 months of the treatment
- The medicine was also successful in eliminating the attacking T cells from the scalp of the patients.
- more clinical trials will help in finding a more effective use and dosage of the new FDA approved drug
- With that efficiency demonstrated by the new drug, patients suffering from this devastating disease will be able to feel better about the new solution
- 212.644.6454
Dr. Gary Jayne Rothfeld, 212.644.4484, board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon at Park Avenue Dermatology and Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Center. Trusted for youthful skin with advanced treatments. Book now for dermatology, non-surgical lifts, liquid facelift, nose jobs and more! Follow on Instagram @parkavedermnyc | 629 Park Avenue, NYC | 212.644.4484 | info@nycdermatologist.com
#1 Alopecia Areata Doctor NYC - New Treatment - New York, NY - Open 24/7 for treatment, 7 days a week.
New York Dermatology Board Certified Dermatologist
30 East 60th Street (Park/Madison)
8th Floor Suite 805 New York, NY